Eastern Metropolitan Palliative Care Consortium
The Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium members:
- Work together to implement the standards of care outlined in the Victorian Government’s end of life and palliative care framework
- Meet regularly to plan and review how services can meet our collective goal of providing the highest standard of palliative care to our community.
- Engage in research to keep learning and developing best practice.
- Listen to community members and leaders to learn how our care and services can maintain excellent cultural safety, respect for cultural traditions and social diversity.
- Provide information to community and health professionals on palliative care and how to access services.

About our Logo
The EMRPCC logo was developed with Community. Members of EMRPCC recognise our services are provided on the Traditional Lands of the Wurundjeri people and our logo reflects this.
Bunjil flies over the land watching over all; people from Community and all those who have come to call the East home. Hills, valleys and towns of the region are symbolised and crossed by the waterways, carrying life and spirit from the beginning of life to its next phase after death which is represented by the warm rays of the setting sun.
The manna gum leaf represents our Traditional owners who graciously share culture, care for Country and welcome us to the region and the circle symbolises the care we all offer to each other, especially at the end of life.

About our Region
The Eastern Metro Region covers around 3,000km2, stretching from the inner suburbs to townships in the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges and includes the Local Government Areas of Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges. Geographically, the Eastern Metro Region covers 33% of metropolitan Melbourne.
With people in the outermost local government area experiencing particular issues with access to a range of services including for their health due to distance and isolation. There are suburbs of high affluence and pockets of entrenched socioeconomic disadvantage. And a sizeable population of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly in Knox and Yarra Ranges.
The ABS Estimated Resident Population 2022 shows the the Eastern Metro Region’s population to be 926,376 people. And so, the region was home to just below 18% of the Victorian population and around 24% of Victorians who lived in the capital city area of Greater Melbourne.
In 2021, Eastern Region had a lower proportion of children (under 18) and a higher proportion of persons aged 60 or older than Greater Melbourne.
The Aboriginal population in the Eastern Metropolitan Region accounts for approximately 7% of Victoria’s total Aboriginal population.
It is expected that the percentage of the population aged 65 and over will reach just below 19% by 2026 which is consistent with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare predictions for the general Australian population.
The region embraces cultural and linguistic diversity. 328,566 people who were living in the Eastern Region in 2021 were born overseas with 18% having arrived in Australia within the previous 5 years. 33.5% of people used a language other than English at home with the dominant language other than English being Mandarin (10.1% of the population).
EMRPCC Members

The Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care Consortium is one of eight Regional Palliative Care Consortia across Victoria funded by the Victorian Department of Health. We are each a collective of representatives from palliative care services within our respective health regions. These are then represented across the State and connected to peak bodies through the Victorian Palliative Care Network. The palliative care consortiums are critical to the Victorian health system and play a key role in implementing palliative care policy and supporting effective palliative care service delivery, including quality end-of-life care in community, inpatient and RACF settings.
EMRPCC is an alliance of hospital-based and community palliative care providers in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. We were established in 2004 and are governed by a Consortium Management Group.
Eastern Health, Eastern Palliative Care Association Incorporated and St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne work together with North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (NEMICS), Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN), Bolton Clarke, the Department of Health and private organisations.