Useful Links
Palliative Care
Where can I find further information?
National Advance Care Planning Support Service - Access a free email advance care planning starter pack or request a printed starter pack by calling the National Advance Care Planning Support Service on 1300 208 582. Palliative Care Advice Service - Specialist nurses and doctors provide free, confidential advice for all Victorians seeking information about life-limiting illness, palliative care or end-of-life care. Call 1800 360 000 for advice (the service is for non-emergency health advice only). palliAGED: - Provides information on palliative care and end-of-life care including services and resources that can help those requiring care and their families. CarerHelp: - Specifically provides information and resources for those who are caring for someone approaching the end of life and whose journey will include caring for someone who will die. Parkinson’s Disease Issues for the Palliative Care Team: - A guide and summary of information for staff who are caring for people with Parkinson’s Disease. Pre-Planning a Funeral: - The Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA) website includes information about pre-planning and pre-paying for a funeral. Getting your end-of-life affairs in order: - Information and resources to help with end-of-life planning.Newsletters
Palliative Care Victoria Newsflash
Palliative Care Victoria (PCV) Volunteering Newsflash
Palliative Care Australia newsletter
Carers National News (Carers Australia)
ELDAC (End of Life Directions for Aged Care)
End of Life Essentials project news
EMPHN (Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network) updates
epc news (Eastern Palliative Care)
Advance Care Planning Australia eNews for Health Professionals
Compassionate Communities Australia
EngAged: a newsletter about ageing well and aged care
NEMICS (North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service)
The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing