What's happening in Palliative Care?

MARC project: READY Recognising Patients at Risk of Dying

MARC project: READY Recognising Patients at Risk of Dying

This project supports clinical staff to recognise dying through a validated prognostic tool. Using interviews and audits of healthcare records the first MARC end-of-life project identified gaps in care service provision and in the documentation of older people’s care preferences towards the end of life. Considerable difficulties in the recognition of dying were highlighted.


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MARC-Project-Summary.pdf MARC-Project-Summary.pdf (213kB)

Palliative Care Projects database

Palliative Care Projects database

ProSeek is a searchable database of palliative care projects, research and activities completed across Australia with hundreds of records with useful knowledge and resources for making decisions and solving problems in aged care. Projects, research and activities can be submitted to ProSeek.