Latest advice on COVID-19 vaccinations

Latest advice on COVID-19 vaccinations

Did you know age continues to be the biggest risk factor for severe cases of COVID-19 disease and influenza? Staying up-to-date with vaccinations significantly reduces your risk of serious illness or death.

The COVID-19 vaccine is free, safe and effective. You are eligible for a dose every 6 months if you are:

  • aged 65 years and over
  • aged 18 to 64 years and severely immunocompromised.

All other adults are eligible to get a dose every 12 months.

** You can receive your COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as the annual influenza shot.

Accessing antivirals for COVID-19

Accessing antivirals for COVID-19

Antiviral medications treat COVID-19 and are proven to save lives and reduce the risk of needing hospitalisation when taken early. GPs can prescribe antivirals and help eligible people plan to access them if they test positive for COVID-19. This can help you get the medication within 5 days of becoming sick when it will be most effective.

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Where can I find further information?

For health services & health professionals: COVID-19 |

For palliative care information: Caresearch Covid19 Portal

Victorian updates: Department of Health

National updates: Australian Department of Health and Aged Care